Another awesome day in the kitchen! Hard to believe my journey at Casa Gerardo is coming to an end.
It's been such an amazing experience, however think I will be happy to be back in an English kitchen upon my return!
I asked to help clean the fridge and as I approached it I was looked at like a crazy woman. Oh the deep fryer!! That's not a fridge! Haha!
We had a tennis team request the restaurant for dinner today so it was a nice double shift today :) A special menu for them though which was great as I got to see some new foods come through the door! One being Canadian prawns! A little bit of home in the north of Spain :)
I also got to try some amazing cheeses which were produced in Asturias today, they are very well known for the produce from cattle here, so the cheese is delicious as you can imagine!
I have managed to sneak in a weekend in Madrid for myself this weekend as I would love to see, breath and dine in all the culture I can through the whole of Spain. It's amazing to have seen the Mediterranean coast in 2009 and now the Atlantic and central this year, I feel like I have truly stomped through a good chunk of Spain!
My room mate and I have also been taking great care of each other, each night when we get home, one of us will cook dinner. Last night was garlic prawns and pesto spaghetti!
Tomorrow night I will also get to go to a soccer game in Asturias, I think that had to be on the bucket list while over here :)